Monday, September 17, 2012

Infectious Negativity

"Spend all your time with negative people and you will become like them. Why?  Because you'll pick up their habits, behaviors, energy and attitudes.  Make it your goal this year to align yourself with positive people that encourage you, that inspire you, that bring out ONLY the BEST in you.  Be with people who can contribute to your growth and not your death in life and you'll be happy." Robert Tew
What do you do when the main negative person infecting your life is your husband?
I find his anger, short patience and distrust toxic to myself and my children.  I see it infecting my spirit and eating it's way into my children's very makeup.  I don't want my children growing up to just like dad.  Unfortunately, I don't want my children growing up like me either when I keep soaking in his negative behaviors and reflecting them.  I see a problem brewing inside me. 
I feel that I've lowered my standards to allow myself to be treated the way I am.  He never physically harms me, but only by actions and words does he sting.  They say that only sticks and stones may hurt me, but I argue that words really do hurt me.  I see that is true in myself and I know that is true in my children.
My spirit use to be so pure, so positive.  Sure, I would get upset from time to time just like anyone else, but I was always quick to recover.  Quick to forgive and completely forget.  I felt happy.
This angry and toxic negativity is attacking my very soul.  Black, sticky goo I can't shake off.
What now?  Lord!  I'm suppose to keep my place I've vowed to hold?  I can't help but to beg for you to change this spirit of hate in my husband.  I don't know how to hold on otherwise.  The longer he is away from Your word and removed from the body of Christ/church to hold him accountable, the worse he becomes. Lord!? Please don't forget me and my children.

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